Episode 42: The Crooked Feather

Greetings Entreprenerds!

My guest this week is Alexis Noriega from The Crooked Feather, a costume maker specializing in realistic feathered wings for cosplayers, models and actors. In addition to custom commissions, Alexis also has a YouTube channel where she helps guide others to make their own articulating wings. Her work has been featured by People, Insider and others.

Listen on iTunes or Stitcher.

In this episode we discuss:

  • 2:30 How The Crooked Feather got started
  • 9:00 How her wing design has improved over 10 years of cosplaying
  • 13:00 Creating tutorial YouTube videos to help other cosplayers
  • 14:30 Getting new opportunities with press and new clients
  • 20:30 Guiding how you would like press to cover your brand and use your content
  • 22:30 Creating viral videos
  • 29:30 Future plans for The Crooked Feather
  • 32:00 Keeping with your project through the tough times

Be sure to follow Alexis at TheCrookedFeather.com and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

I’d really appreciate any feedback either on Twitter @UndertheCapes, in the blog comments or through a rating on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks and see you soon!